
Thursday, May 9, 2013


I am a bargain shopper.  I research before making practically any purchase.  Being an educated cheapskate the only Apple product I own is a ipod that was a gift.  Things are about to change, and it's all Disney's fault.

My first Disney app letdown was in January.  I received an email for Pixel'd and thought to check it out.  As soon as I clicked the link, my enthusiasm was dashed.  iphone app only.  So I moved on.

The few months, my husband and I have discussed switching cell carriers.  We've looked at what phones were available with what packages...... again educated cheapskate.  He is as insistent on getting another iphone as I have been opposed to the single bottom contraption. 


Bloggin'-about today I came across Disney's Insider How Will you Tell Your Story blog about a new app that recognizes pics and videos taken during the same event so you can share in bulk and make a "story."  The catch?  Only available for the iphone. 

This would have been fantastic a few weeks ago when I took 85 pics on my phone and had to upload each one . . . which I have yet to actually do.  Oh, and this weekend during Little Man's 3rd birthday party at the railroad museum, the story app would have been perfect.

Petty yes, but I'd also like to have a Disney phone case, usually only available for, you guessed it, the iphone.

...I caved...

Today on his break, my husband calls and I immediately inform him that we will be switching carriers and not only will he be keeping to his iphone devotion, but I am now a dedicated convert. 

...thanks Disney...

One more way to incorporate your franchise into the very skin of my livelihood.  But I'm not bitter.  Rather excited that I've got another way to live inside my Disney World. 

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